
“Thank God you're still alive.” Angie熟门熟路进到屋里,“我以为进来会乌烟瘴气,看见满地酒瓶,桌上是戳满了烟屁股的烟灰缸。”她把带来的东西放进厨房之后,出来打量着其实没什么好打量的客厅,这个公寓还是像往常一样,太整洁了,地板一尘不染,茶几上整整齐齐的是Tom正在读的剧本,还有一台笔记本电脑。Angie凑过去,看到屏幕里是一个报道昨晚金球奖颁奖典礼的网页,上面当然是她认得的,Tom合作次数最多的co-star, Chris Hemsworth.
“This Aussie IS Hot. Bloody HOT. I'll never get over it.” 她用两只手指按在触摸板上往下滑,边滑边评论道:“I like his new short hair, I remember he used to have that very cute man bun(小马尾扎成一个球). ”
“Yes yes.”Tom在她旁边坐下来,回答得相当敷衍, "No matter how hot he is, he is a father of three so plz do get over it. You know you don't stand a chance, right?"
Angie没有理无声笑着的Tom,仿佛他在自说自话,她接着问道:“Who is this? The man with Chris. He's a weirdo.”
"You can tell."Tom凑过去,看见屏幕里Angie指着的那一张相片,Taika对着镜头做他的标准鬼脸。Chris在一旁笑得很开心。
"This is Taika. The director of our new film. He's from New Zealand, which is very close to Australia. He and Chris is always like this, hilarious. They get along very well..."
"Thomas Hiddleston, you're hopeless."
“I beg your pardon?”
"Are you ever going to confess?"
Angie的视线离开了电脑,转移到Tom脸上,"Confess that social life makes you happier and healthier!"
"Well, I do jogging everyday. With Bobby."
“Yeah, with a dog. At 2 o'clock in the morning. I wonder if anyone ever thinks about calling the police. Tom, I mean happier and healthier, mentally. Are you okay, Tom?"
"Don't be ridiculous. I'm perfectly fine. You sound like my mum..."
"Yeah, hi there, my 37 years old, I'm Angie, your fairy godmother."
”I worry about you.”她的声音突然放轻下来,像给自己的儿子唱摇篮曲似的。
“Don't. I told you, I just need some time. Alone.”Tom站起身来,“Alright. Are you going to stay for supper? It's been a long long time since I last cooked. What did you bring me, let's take a look.”他走进厨房,开始查看Angie带来的纸袋里都有什么食材。
"Sorry I can't. Ben(Angie's husband) went on a business trip, our babysitter leaves at 5:30 I need to be home by that time."Angie也走进厨房,她今天抽空过来Tom这里一趟,就是想看看他如何。她给他买了些海鲜,新鲜的牛肉,还有cheese跟蔬菜。大概够吃个三四天的。
可能一切都要有比较吧。喜悦悲伤,喜欢不喜欢。或者热闹之后的安静。After last year's nonstop flash lights, pictures printed on the tabloids, comicon panels, theaters, interviews......He feels much like this quiet apt now.

Or more like that little lodge under a volcano in Iceland, he and Chris, they lived there for two weeks when they're filming Thor:The Dark World.
“Chris, the saint."
“No Tom. You don't understand.”
"Please Chris, no more marriage bullshit."
"That's not what I'm going to say. Listen, eventually you're gonna get destoryed by something. Tobacco, alcohol, Shakespeare..."
“or a wife, some kids. No difference. I'm not a saint. I'm just a common man, living an ordinary life. And you...”
“You're trying to be a fucking immortal, by always preparing to sacrifice yourself to your art creating or whatever purposes. You're dramatic, Tom."
Is he?
他走到Tom的躺椅后面,停在那里说:“It's beautiful.”
"It's beautiful because it's dramatic. Like you."
“I understand, brother. You don't need to be like me, or like any other ordinary men.”
“You're not any ordinary man. Not to me.”
"Ah I know of course I'm the jacked Aussie with a perfect face. What do ya say?"
"Love ya, bro."Tom又被Chris逗笑了.
“Good nite.”
"Good night."

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